Weekly Recap

Well, I feel like a complete hypocrite as I post last week’s workouts. Cold weather hit KC big time (below 20 degrees!) and I was a wimp to get outside in the mornings. I instead favored classes at Fusion Fitness, and ended the week with the Longview Half Marathon. I got out this morning in 17 degrees (real feel 0 degrees) and was perfectly warm in enough layers – goes to show it’s really never too cold for a run! I rewarded myself with a piping hot mocha to start my Monday off right 😉

Monday: 6 mile run (last warm morning!)

Tuesday: Fusion Mix in the a.m. & Spintense after work

Wednesday: Bikini Bootcamp 

Thursday: Hustle & Glow in the a.m. & Up Side Spin after work

Friday: Sweat Lab

Saturday: Longview Half Marathon 13.1 miles (recap below!)

Sunday: OFF! My legs were screaming at me when I woke up. Spent 30 lovely (painful!) minutes with the foam roller.

Weekly Recap + Cinnamon Caramel Corn Recipe

This week was good to me! Lots of workouts in to get ready for the Longview Half Marathon next weekend. I enjoyed the last few warmer mornings left of the year, and felt good mixing in a variety of cross training. My arms are sore baby sore! I balanced my mileage and sweat sessions with a heavy dose of homemade caramel corn (easy & delicious! recipe below) and sour cream banana bread (not so successful, need to try again…) plus spending way too much money at Target :/ c’est la vie. I mean, I NEEDED the new make-up bag and 100th sports bra, right?

Monday: 6 miles easy

Tuesday: 6 miles hard @ 8:45 min/mile + spinTENse @ Fusion Fly

Wednesday: 4 miles – interval run (9/8:30/8/7:30) + spinTENse @ Fusion Fly

Thursday: Hustle & Glow @ Fusion Fitness + 4 miles

Friday: Sweat Lab @ Fusion Fitness

Saturday: Runner’s Edge group run in Independence  – 12 miles with a new (speedier) pace group! <– summary of this run = strong winds and hills are no fun

Sunday: Sweat Lab @ Fusion Fitness


I also went to the movies to see Nightcrawler this weekend. Whoa. Creep city! Jake Gyllenhaal did an amazing job…making us hate his character! I walked out of the theater never wanted to punch someone harder. Good movie though, I’d recommend seeing it!

Cinnamon Caramel Corn

(adapted from Runner’s Kitchen)

2 tbs coconut oil

1/2 cup popcorn kernels

1 1/2 cups brown sugar

3 tbs butter

1 tbs salt

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup water

1 tsp baking soda

1 tbs cinnamon (or other spice/flavor of your choosing)

Heat the oil over medium-high in a large pot, add the popcorn kernels and cover with a lid.

Allow kernels to pop (about 3-4 minutes) while occasionally shaking the pot and moving it around on the burner.

Once kernels are done popping, dump them into a bowl that is sprayed lightly with cooking spray, remove any un-popped kernels.

Combine sugar, butter, salt, vanilla and water in a medium saucepan, cook over medium-high heat for 10 minutes. DO NOT STIR! The caramel is done when it is starting to thicken.

While caramel is cooking, combine baking soda and cinnamon in a small bowl and coat a spatula with cooking spray.

When caramel is finished cooking, remove from heat, and stir in baking soda/cinnamon mixture. Pour the caramel sauce over the popcorn and use the spatula to make sure every kernel is coated.

Spread caramel corn on a baking sheet and allow to cool for about 15 minutes – break it up into small pieces while it’s cooling. Should stay fresh up to two weeks in an air-tight container.


Salt Water

“The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen

I came across this quote this morning, and although it is a little cliche, I think it holds true. No matter how stressed out, down or lonely I sometimes feel, a good sweaty workout, cry or look out across a wide body of water tends to make me feel so much better. I only wish I lived closer to water that’s not creepishly murky like the good ol’ Missouri River. :/

It’s been a stressful past few months – from marathon training, to a busy work schedule, and financial worries – but things are starting to balance out. My long distance boyfriend is coming in town in 9 days, and I get to be with him for a full two weeks. He’s in the military, so our limited time together is really valuable. We’ll be in KC for one week, and then traveling to Seattle for a week to visit his brother. I can’t wait.

Back to that good sweaty workout I mentioned above, i’ve really been getting into spin classes this week. I thought I would give a quick review my current spin gym, Fusion Fly, for anyone interested in trying it out for the first time.

Fusion Fly


Let me first say, I used to hate spin classes. I always thought they dragged on forever, and the instructors were either boring or way too intense. I just never felt comfortable “in the saddle” so to speak. Fusion Fitness is a local chain (with three locations in Kansas City) that offers a variety of intense exercise classes, ranging from cardio, to bootcamp and barre. I’ve been incorporating these classes into my cross-training schedule for the past year, and LOVE the improvements they have made on my upper body, core and mental strength. I walk out of every class drenched in sweat, and immediately feel the benefits of the workout.

I recently snatched up a discount to try their spin classes, and am so glad I did! These classes changed my mind about indoor spinning. Similar to their other excercise classes, each spin class is different, and focuses on different areas of the body. Below are the classes, with details pulled from their website:


Divided into 10 minute increments, this class will burn fat and work your arms and core to the max. This class will rotate through spinning, arm toning, and ab strengthening 10 minutes at a time — totaling one hour of sweaty fun.

Thin Spin

Get the best of both worlds with a half spin, half old-school Fusion class to work your cardio and elongate and strengthen your muscles. A challenging, 30 minute spin session will keep your heart rate up and build endurance, then we’ll tone and burn out muscle groups Fusion-style for 30 minutes — the perfect balance for your Dream Body.

The Up Side

This hour class has it all! Starting with a 40 minute ride you will burn hundreds of calories and tone your legs and buns while working through sprints, climbs and jumps on the bike. Your upper body will thank you for the 20 minute burnout of arms and abs after your ride. Plan to walk out of this class feeling proud of your hard-core full body workout.


(photo curtesy of http://www.fusionfitness.com)

My favorite classes so far have been spinTENse and The Up Side, each incorporating a good amount of upper body and core workouts mixed in with the spin. I encourage you try these if you are trying to find a spin class that is energetic, welcoming and fun! Plus – major calorie burns – with an average 500-600 calories burned in one 60 – min. class!

Weekly Recap: 10/27 – 11/2

Monday: Spin class at Fusion Fly + Girls on the Run practice easy 2 mile run

Tuesday: 6 miles @ half marathon pace + spin class at Fusion Fly

Wednesday: 6 miles easy

Thursday: 4 miles @ 5K pace + spin class at Fusion Fly

Friday: 4 miles easy

Saturday: Fusion Mix class

Sunday: 10 miles easy @ KCRC Groupie Run


Mileage total: 30

Notes: Slowly picking-up mileage and speed after my marathon. Felt good to be outside enjoying these last few warmer mornings before KC winter weather heads our way. Lesson learned: should probably only do one-two spin classes a week, my bottom was quite sore by the end of the week!


My next race will be the Longview Half Marathon in two weeks. I’ve never broken two hours, so my goal will be to stick with this pace group for the first 10 miles, and see if I can push negative splits at the end.

Happy Monday!

Happy Halloween + Nutty Coconut Oil Granola

Happy belated Halloween!

Thanks to my friend, Katie, I celebrated this spooky holiday with festive treats (maybe one or ten too many) and a keg of pumpkin beer. I didn’t have a costume on hand, so I was the lame party guest who showed up as a “fitness instructor.” Really, I just wanted an excuse to wear sweat pants to a party 😉

halloween    IMG_1366

(I brought greek yogurt pimento cheese dip – recipe to come – and pb chocolate krispy balls)

Woke up this morning feeling less than stellar (go figure), and decided to sleep in a little longer than usual. I made it to a late morning Fusion Mix class to get a good sweat and stopped by Trader Joe’s on my way home to pick-up groceries (a few at TJ’s usually turns into two bags of food I didn’t need, but I’m not complaining).

When I got home, I decided to take a stab at baking homemade granola for the first time. This recipe is super simple and can be easily modified with other flavors/add-ins. It’s also more on the salty-sweet side – my favorite!

Nutty Coconut Granola Recipe

3 cups oats

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp pumpkin spice seasoning

2 tbs brown sugar

1/2 tsp salt

2 cups nuts (I used 2 cups of salted fancy nuts from Costco Kirkland brand)

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

Directions: Pre-heat oven to 340. Mix oats through nuts together in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil, honey and vanilla together in a small saucepan. Once melted, pour mixture into bowl and evenly mix the liquid with the oats. Spread evenly on a large baking pan and bake for 22 minutes (mixing every 5 minutes so oats/nuts do no burn). Let cool and store in an air tight container. Should be good for 3-4 weeks.